#InPhotos | The Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) Regional Project Coordination Office XII, via its I-PLAN Component, completed the Provincial FGD/Consultation Workshop Batch 1: General Santos City and Sarangani for the SOCCKSARGEN Agriculture and Fisheries Investment Portfolio (RAFIP) on January 28, 2025, in General Santos City, providing a forum to examine primary constraints and interventions while formulating ways to enhance production, ensure sustainability, and improve resilience in the region’s agri-fishery sector.

The consultation mainly concentrated on the six priority commodities: Coconut, Coffee, Rubber, Abaca, Cacao, and Tuna, which are among the region’s primary commodities. Said activity also aimed to identify key limitations and strategies for promoting inclusive growth and sustainable development through collaboration. This initiative sought to unify diverse stakeholders to coordinate efforts and resources toward the shared objective of improving the agri-fishery sector in the region.

Key stakeholders from the Coconut, Coffee, Rubber, Abaca, Cacao, and Tuna sectors actively engaged in the consultation. With technical support from DA-PRDP RPCO XII I-PLAN Component, their contributions were essential in recognizing obstacles and opportunities within the industry, offering a grassroots viewpoint vital for informed decision-making.

Furthermore, the PPMIUs of Sarangani and General Santos City and the municipal government units enhanced the prioritization process by providing significant insights and knowledge. Their collaborative endeavors guaranteed that the suggested actions were informed and consistent with the region’s overarching economic and environmental objectives.

The results of this workshop will greatly aid in completing the RAFIP, which will then be presented at the Regional Planning Stakeholders Consultation. The subsequent stage is essential for achieving a unified and effective execution of the investment portfolio, fostering growth, sustainability, and resilience in the SOCCSKSARGEN Region.


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