#RMCMeeting | 18 top management heads of DA attached bureaus and agencies convened for the CY 2024 6th RMC Meeting led by, RMC Chairman, DA12 Regional Executive Director Roberto Perales, to deliberate persistent issues in the agri-fishery sector existing in SOCCSKSARGEN region, and set the directions for the DA will tread to better serve the farmers and fishers of region 12.

Among the topics discussed were the actions to be taken to deliver cheaper rice to the consumers via DA’s Kadiwa stores, the ASF vaccine was also brought to the table and how the DA could avail of such, as well as the challenges it would face in terms of convincing hog growers in trying out the efficacy of the anti-virus.

The rate of importation of various agricultural commodities by the region was also presented, as well as the potential of the region to export local produce, such as banana, avocado, pineapple, and papaya which have shown greater demand in the international market.

The status quo of the proposed cold storage facilities of various LGUs all over the region was also presented during the meeting.

The agency and bureau heads also got the chance to tour the Improved Technology on Nursery Production of the host agency, the Philippine Rubber Research Institute (PRRI), where they were oriented on the latest technology in rubber farming as a substitute to the traditional small box practices of rubber farmers.

All these measures are taken to ensure that actions are properly implemented in the region to deliver better services, interventions, and projects to its intended beneficiaries.

🖊️📸 Dyey Daquiado


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