#INSPIRE | 200 swine breeders were received by the South Cotabato Swine Producers Association (SOCOSPA), a registered association of hog raisers in General Santos City and a bonafide member of the National Federation of Hog Raisers, Inc. (NATFED) on Thursday, November 21, 2024.
The SOCOSPA has identified GS Unifarm, a local hog farm in General Santos City and a bonafide member of both SOCOSPA and NATFED, to receive the first 200 swine breeders from the Department of Agriculture- Livestock Program as part of the Integrated National Swine Production Initiatives for Recovery and Expansion (INSPIRE) Program.
This initiative aims to recover and repopulate the local swine industry sector’s capacity to produce a sufficient supply of hogs and pork following the outbreak of African Swine Fever (ASF).