AMIA Director in SOCCSKSARGEN | Climate Resilient Agriculture Office National Director Alicia G. Ilaga grace a visit and monitoring of interventions to the Community Farmers and Empowerment Program Association (CFEPA).
CFEPA is an AMIA village situated in Brgy. Lamlahak, Lake Sebu, South Cotabato province. The village is comprise of 100% indigenous people thriving in the field of agricultural farming amidst the threats of climate change.
Dir. Ilaga commends the CFEPA farmers for their dedication and hardwork towards higher productivity and better income in partnership with the AMIA-MCRA program of the Department of Agriculture RFO XII.
Inspection of the on-going nursery project and distribution of veterinary drugs and biologics, as well as distribution of IEC materials courtesy of @AgritayoSoccsksargen was conducted during the said visit.
It was noted that one important ways forward from this visit is the support to expansion of farming and economic activities of the CFEPA village. Dir. Ilaga also managed to visit the Malipayon Sibugon Swisa Farmers Association (MALSIB SWISA) village, still in Lake Sebu.
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