Kickstarting each school day with a nutritious glass of milk is more than just a routineβ€”it’s a wholesome way to empower kids for success. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals like calcium for strong bones and protein for sustained energy, milk supports their growth and learning. Plus, its delicious taste makes it a favorite part of their morning ritual, setting a positive tone for the entire day ahead. Cheers to building strong bodies, sharp minds, and memorable school experiences! πŸ₯°πŸ©΅

Kaya mga ka mommies and daddies, ali na. Our store is located beside UEWMPC. We are open from 7:00AM -6:00PM only.

For those who are interested to be our resellers, you can contact us through our Facebook Page. We offer, Milk bars, Pasteurized Plain Milk and Pasteurized Flavored Milk. (1Gallon, 1Liter & 350ml)


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