Day 2 |The Philippine Horticulture and Urban Agriculture Summit focuses on WOMEN IN HORTICULTURE.
Topics include Women in Science: Pest and Disease Management for Ornamentals as discussed by Dr. Fe Dela Cueva from the Institute of Plant Breeding of the University of the Philippines, Los Banos. She presented the most common diseases in the ornamental plants and their management. She emphasized starting with healthy planting materials and knowing the pests and diseases first by observing the signs and symptoms before using any synthetic methods.
Ms. Cherrie D. Atilano talked about Women in Agriculture as she shared the incredible stories behind AGREA Business, which is committed to empowering farmers, nourishing communities, and fostering innovation in the agricultural sector.
Former Department of Agriculture Undersecretary Evelyn Lavina described the Women Cooperatives and Associations as she shared the story and challenges of the Floriculture Industry of Davao (FIDI). Her experience as a government official enabled her to meet incredible people and witness technologies and best practices from around the globe. She emphasized the urgent need to create a Floriculture Program under the Department of Agriculture to focus on the development of the floriculture industry. Creation of a roadmap, technical working group, preservation and promotion of endemic species, market linkage, credit line and insurance coverage for floriculture, and more are among the crucial steps.
#Pagsibol2024 gathers professionals, farmers, and other stakeholders, and aims to highlight the importance of horticulture and urban agriculture, as contributors to the nation’s food security and economic growth.