ATM | The Project Support Office Mindanao I-PLAN Component conducts the Mindanao-wide Value Chain Analysis (VCA) Tools Cascading and Inception Writeshop for Regional Rice VCA in General Santos City on September 23-27, 2024.
The writeshop aims to roll out a regional and inter-provincial perspective in investment planning which covers the inclusion of rice and corn as priority commodities for the PRDP Scale-Up.
The activity aligns with the directive issued by the Undersecretary for Rice Industry Development, which calls on all regional executive directors to actively support and participate in the rice VCA study.
RPCO XII Deputy Project Director Engr. Abraham A. Onotan opened the activity with a welcome message.
Joining the writeshop are representative from DA’s rice banner program from the six regions of Mindanao, the Philippine Rice Research Institute, and PRDP’s I-PLAN Component. (viw Joy M. Montecalvo, PSO Min)
Full story to follow.