Happening Now.

Twelve (12) young farmers from various provinces of the region and 4 Regional Program Management Team (RPMT) joined the BAYANANIHAN SUMMIT 2024 from August 15-17,2024 held at Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City .

Part of the event is the “BayanAnihan Countryside Fair” where our young farmers challenge provincial and regional winners are able to promote, showcase and sell their products along with other YFCs from other regions in Mindanao.

The 3-day event is organized by Gawad Kalinga and the Department of Agriculture along with other private institutions which envisions to make our country a food sufficient and catalyst in providing Filipinos the support that they need so that we can address the injustice of hunger.

There will be breakout sessions on various food production and processing technologies which attendees may opt to attend. Plenary sessions on Farming and Forestry updates and topics will also be presented during the summit.

This summit is the first leg of the 3 cluster programs (Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao) scheduled by the orgizers.

Datumamaali Laguiab


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