White Gold: Exploring NSIC Registered White OPV Corns
The government aims to increase the production and distribution of quality white open-pollinated varieties (OPV) of corn to support local farmers practicing coconut-corn intercrop systems and to
provide to those in uplands that consume it as a staple as white corn grits.
In 2023, two (2) white OPVs were registered with the National Seed Industry Council (NSIC).
Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Office XII developed the NSIC 2023 Cn 337 “South Cotabato Improved Tiniguib (SCIT)” from reconstituted Tiniguib strains and gave it the commercial name Tupi 1st White Improved Tiniguib (Tupi1 WIT). SCIT exhibited superior yield and agronomic field performance during the conducted yield trials, which gave it a recommendation to be grown and produced in Mindanao. Additionally, the Cagayan Valley Research Center (CVRC) registered the NSIC 2023 Cn 335 “CVRC Glut 21-16” with an initial domain recommendation to Luzon and further recommended to Mindanao in the later part of 2023.
Both white OPV varieties are exceptional in terms of production and offer favorable agronomic traits such as early maturity, good ear length, and good shelling recovery.
The registered white OPV corn varieties ensure a thriving corn seed industry by having high-quality seeds for corn growers. This translates to higher income for farmers and a more robust agricultural sector overall.