#YFC2023StartUp | The Young Farmers Challenge Program of the Department of Agriculture 12 conducted a site validation and assessment to the agri-enterprises of 2023 YFC Provincial winners from South Cotabato and General Santos City on September 2-3, 2023.
This activity was part of agency’s selection of the program’s regional winners.
The regional Panel of Judges will select seven Outstanding Youth Agri-Business Models to compete in the National Level Competition and shall receive an additional financial grant of Php 150, 000.
The sites visited in South Cotabato were the AffordaGOAT in Sto, Nino, Spicing Up Agriculture: A chili Farming Project and Azolla Farming for Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Agriculture both in Norala, Bluetail Aquaculture in Polomolok, Vegetable Identification System in Tupi. And in General Santos City were the JC’s Food Manufacturing and Grendez Spirulina Premium Coffee.